Adult Services

Employment Specialists work through an Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) to assist the individual with obtaining employment. The Job Coach or Employment Specialist will then aid the individual in job development, job matching, and placement assistance based on IPE.

Components of Supported Employment:


Situational Assessments provide our team the necessary information to identify job interests, vocational strengths and limitations, training needs for suitable areas of employment.


During Job Development the Employment Specialist will provide the individual with resume development, interviewing skills and image consulting for interviews and work appropriate attire. When an individual obtains employment by a company, the Hargraves Outreach team will provide ongoing supports until the individual can successfully perform all job responsibilities.


Job Placement will begin when the Employment Specialist determines the individual has been hired by a company. The Employment Specialist will contact the individual’s counselor and discuss job opportunity. During the individual’s training, the Employment Specialist documents the individual’s progress, strengths, and weaknesses. The goal is for the support of Employment Specialist to decrease once he/she feels the individual can complete the job responsibilities independently.

Note: All individuals participating in the Supported Employment program must be referred through Department of Aging and Rehabilitation Services (DARS) or Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) under the Medicaid Waiver program.


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